
Ron Haugen

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Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2003 Thursday at 6:00 p.m.
Anthony Elementary School Cafeteria
600 N. Fourth Street
Anthony, NM

1325 W. Washington ST.
P.O. Drawer 70
Anthony, NM 88021
Phone: (505)882-6200

1 Hour 1. Closed Session
  1. Personnel Session Pursuant to 10-15-1, H-2, NMSA 1978 as amended to discuss personnel actions 
  2. Real Property & Water Right Pusuant to 10-15-2, H-8, NMSA 1978 as Amended to Discuss Elementary Site
2 Minutes 2. Call to Order and Roll Call
1 Minute 3. Pledge of Allegiance and Mission Statement
20 Minutes 4. Programs, Reports, and Correspondence
  1. Superintendent
    1. Anthony Elementary Third Grade Student Presentation 
    2. Superintendent's Report
  2. Board President
  3. Board Members
  4. Student Representative
1 Minute 5. Modification of the Agenda
1 Minute 6. Consent Agenda
  1. School Board Minutes for August 28, 2003 
  2. Part-time Employee Resolution
  3. Bid Award for Various Server Room Air Conditioning Upgrades 
  4. Transportation Unliquidated Obligations Budget Increase 
  5. Dropout Prevention Demonstration 2003-2004 Budget Increase 
  6. Title I Budget Transfers 
  7. Monthly Financial Statement for August 2003 
  8. Schedule of Checks 08/01/2003-08/31/2003, $3,559,342.02 
  9. Physical Plant Report 
30 Minutes 7. Open Forum

2 Minutes
2 Minutes
2 Minutes  
2 Minutes
2 Minutes
5 Minutes
8. Action Items
  1. NEA-Gadsden Educ. Assoc. - Organizational Pyroll Deduction Request 
  2. Policy BBA - School Board Powers and Duties 
  3. Policy CBA - Local Superintendent Powers and Duties 
  4. Policy CBI - Nepotism Prohibited 
  5. Policy CE - School Advisory Councils
  6. Corrective Action Plan for Desert View


9. Discussion Items 
2 Hours 10 Minutes  
The Gadsden Independent School District will ensure that all students will learn by putting education first. The sitrict will provide quality educational opportunities conducive to learning that will facilitate students' individual goals.