
Travis L. Dempsey

Saturday, January 07, 2023  at 8:30 a.m.
Gadsden Administrative Complex
4950 McNutt Road, Sunland Park, NM 88063

4950 McNutt Road
Sunland Park, NM 88063
Phone: (575) 882-6200


  Call to Order and Roll Call
  1. Closed Session (Part One): To discuss Limited Personnel Matters as permitted under Section 10-15-1(H)(2) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act; specifically, so that the Board can discuss and prepare the Superintendent’s Mid -Year Evaluation.

  2. Open Session Action Item: Possible Action to approve the Mid-Year Evaluation of the Superintendent completed in Executive Session.

  3. Closed Session (Part Two): To discuss Limited Personnel Matters as permitted under Section 10-15-1(H)(2) of the New Mexico Open Meetings Act; specifically, so that the Board can present to and discuss with the Superintendent, the Superintendent’s Mid-Year Evaluation.

  4. Discussion and Possible Action Items: Superintendent evaluation cycle and instrument for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year including alignment with Strategic Plan

  5. Possible action to form a Board subcommittee to make recommendations to the Board regarding Superintendent evaluation cycle and instrument for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year

  6. Adjourn

The Gadsden Independent School District will provide diverse educational opportunities that empower students to be successful in an ever changing world.

 El distrito escolar independiente de Gadsden brindarà diversas oportunidades educativas que capacitaràn a los estudiantes para tener éxito en un mundo cambiante.