
Ron Haugen

Gadsden Logo

June 19, 2003

1325 W. Washington ST.
P.O. Drawer 70
Anthony, NM 88021
Phone: (505)882-6200

Introduction 1. The regular meeting of the Gadsden School Board convened in open session at 6:00 p.m. with President David Garcia presiding. This meeting was held in the Gadsden Middle School Cafeteria located on 1301 West Washington Street in Anthony, New Mexico.
Roll Call Board Members present were Dr. David J. Garcia, Mr. Daniel L. Rollings, Mr. Fred Garza, and Ms. Maria Saenz. Ms. Vargas arrived at 6:10 p.m.
Closed Session Mr. Rollings moved to go into Closed Session for Personnel pursuant to 10-15-1, H-2, NMSA 1978 as amended to discuss personnel actions, and for Supt. Real Property & Water Rights Pursuant to 10-15-1, H-8, NMSA 1978 as amended to discuss acquisition of land. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board went into closed session at 6:00 p.m. Only matters pertaining to personnel actions and land acquisition were discussed in closed session.
Reconvened In Open Session 2. The Board reconvened in Open Session at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Vargas moved to reconvene in Open Session. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll Call 3. Board members present were Dr. David J. Garcia, Ms. Luz E. Vargas, Mr. Daniel L. Rollings, Mr. Fred Garza, and Ms. Maria Saenz. Mr. Rollings led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mrs. Saenz read the Mission Statement.
Supt.'s Report 4. Programs, Reports, and Correspondence
A. (1) Supt. Haugen introduced the following people and announced the position they have been appointed to: Ms. Alma Salazar-Nava, Principal of La Mesa Elementary Mr. J. D. Diggs, Principal of Chaparral Middle School Ms. Graciela Marquez, Principal of Anthony Elementary Ms. Cathy Phillips, Principal of Mesquite Elementary Ms. Barbara Browder, Assoc. Supt. for Human Resources Supt. Haugen welcomed all these people into their new positions and wished them success.
Supt. Haugen gave a construction update. Sunrise Elementary and Santa Teresa Elementary are about 50% complete. The completion dates are October for Sunrise Elementary and November for Santa Teresa Elementary. The addition at Mesquite Elementary is about 20% complete. The Santa Teresa High School addition will go out to bid in the early part of July.
Supt. Haugen said that the Balanced Literacy Training would be taking place next Monday-Friday. Supt. Haugen quoted statistics from the District Nursing Program 2002-2003. Supt. Haugen again gave the Board members the NMSBA Nomination Forms. He gave them an article titled, "The Principalship? No Thanks."
Board Pres. B. Board President's Report- Pres. Garcia spoke about the job of being a Principal of a school. He wished the new principals good luck. Pres. Garcia also spoke about testing changes.
Board Members C. Board Member--Mr. Garza congratulated all the people that are new to their position. Mr. Rollings also congratulated the people new to their position. He said that he had met the Governor and spoke about House Bill 212 and the changes. The Governor also spoke about the September Election. Mr. Rollings said he wants to encourage the community to vote for allowing the percentage of the interest for the land grants and for the permit funds so that school districts can get this money. Mr. Rollings said he is against supporting eroding the local autonomy by getting rid of the State Board of Education. Ms. Vargas also congratulated the new administrators. She also said that she does not support the Secretary of Education position that the Governor supports. Ms. Vargas congratu- lated the people at their new positions. Ms. Saenz congratulated and welcomed the new administrators.
Student Rep. D. Student Representative - Not present
Modification of the Agenda 5. Modification of the Agenda-Ms. Saenz requested to pull item 6H Gadsden Math Initiative 2003-2005 Initial Budget from the Consent Agenda and make it item 8I. Mr. Garza moved to approve the Agenda as modified. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda 6. Consent Agenda-Mr. Rollings moved to approve the Consent Agenda as modified. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Open Forum 7. Open Forum-No comments
Bid Award Accessibility Upgrade at Five Schools 8. Action Items
A. Bid Award for Accessibility Upgrade at Five Schools - 2003-Supt. Haugen said that this is part of the district plan to address the ADA Issues that have been identified through the self-assessment. Five schools will be done first. Sup. Haugen said that the recommendation is to accept the second low bid, ESA Construction who complied with all bidding requirements. The lowest bidder withdrew his bid. Mr. Garza moved to approve the second low bidder ESA Construction as recom- mended for the accessibility upgrade at five schools. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Bid Award for Misc. Deficiencies at Santa Teresa Middle School B. Bid Award for Misc. Deficiencies at Santa Teresa Middle School 2003- Supt. Haugen said that this is the bid award for repairs that have come through the DCU (Deficiency Corrections Unit in State). They are funding these projects. This is part of the statewide effort to improve health & safety issues at schools. These were some of the issues that were addressed at Santa Teresa Middle School. The low bid was non- responsive. The recommendation is to approve the second low bid from ESA Construction who complied with all contract document require- ments. Mr. Garza moved to approve the bid award for misc. deficiencies at Santa Teresa Middle School as recommended. Supt. Haugen recom- mended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Preliminary Budget C. Preliminary Budget for 2003-2004-Ms. Arrieta handed out a copy of the revised budget because the state budget analyst made some changes. She said that the transportation distribution went up to $4,783,557.00. She went over several other changes that were made to the budget. Mr. Rollings moved to approve the preliminary budget for 2003-2004 as presented. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Extra-Curricular and Instructional Increments D. Extra-Curricular and Instructional Increments for 2003-04-Ms. Arrieta presented extra-curricular and various instructional increments. She said that these increments include a 3% increase. Ms. Vargas moved to approve the extra-curricular and instructional increments for 2003-04 as presented. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Annual Schedule for Regular School board Meetings E. Annual Schedule for Regular School Board Meetings-Mr. Rollings recommended a revised schedule. The Board and the Superintendent looked at his schedule and revised it. Mr. Rollings moved to approve the modified schedule. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Policies Approval F. Review of Policy BL-Meeting Attendance Per Diem, Policy GCBAA- Payroll Deductions, Policy IM-Graduation Requirements, and Policy JCG-Graduation-Mr. Rollings moved to temporarily suspend the rules and regulations that may prohibit the immediate approval of policies. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Rollings requested that these policies be voted on individually. Ms. Vargas moved to approve Policy BL-Meeting Attendance Per Diem as modified; the per diem will be $95 instead of $75. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Supt. said that Policy GCBAA-Payroll Deductions refers to payroll deductions for various activities and involving staff members' salary deductions for professional dues, donations, insurances, etc. Mr. Rollings requested that deductions for organizational dues be approved by the School Board. Each of the organizations will have to apply through the finance department requesting organizational salary deductions and will be individually approved by the local School Board of Education. The policy shall read, "organizational dues as approved by the Board." Mr. Rollings moved to add, "organizational dues as approved by the Board of Education." Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Vargas moved to approve Policy IM-Graduation Requirements as recommended. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Ms. Saenz moved to approve Policy JCG-Graduation as recommended. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Policies Approval G. Approval of Policy GCF-Professional Staff Orientation/Mentoring Process, Policy IC-Monitoring of Instruction, and Policy IF-District Course of Study-Ms. Saenz made a correction to Policy IC. Supt. Haugen said that Policy IC should indicate a change from three years to five years under Process, the third paragraph, the second sentence. Mr. Rollings moved to approve Policy GCF, IC as modified, and IF. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Proposed Use of Bonds of 2003-2006 H. Proposed Use of Bonds for 2003-2006-Supt. Haugen said that this list shows the funds available from bond proceeds and the proposed projects for 2003-2006 and timeline. The proposed projects are: Bond Costs, Technology Projects, Maintenance District-wide, ADA Compliance Projects, and Master Plan Requests. Mr. Garza moved to approve the Proposed Use of Bonds for 2003-2006 as presented. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Gadsden Math Initiative 2003-2003 Initial Budget I. Gadsden Math Initiative 2003-2005 Initial Budget-Ms. Saenz has some questions on the FTE on this program. After having her questions answered, Ms. Saenz moved to approve the Gadsden Math Initiative 2003-2005 Initial Budget. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of this motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Capital Outlay Request 9. Discussion Items-None
A. Capital Outlay Request-Supt. Haugen said that the Gadsden is scheduled to go to the Capital Outlay meeting on July 10th in Deming to discuss the district's priorities to be funded by the Public Schools Capital Outlay Council. The number one priority is the northern elementary school, the second priority is the Santa Teresa High School, and Chaparral High School is the third priority.
Board Retreat B. Board Retreat-Supt. Haugen talked about planning a Board Retreat and the location for this retreat. Mr. Rollings recommended that the retreat be held in Silver City at The Palace Hotel. The Board invited the CMT members to be part of the retreat. The date is July 25th & 26th.
Adjourned 10. Mr. Garza moved to adjourn the meeting. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.