
Ron Haugen

Gadsden Logo

December 12, 2002

1325 W. Washington ST.
P.O. Drawer 70
Anthony, NM 88021
Phone: (505)882-6200

Introduction 1. The regular meeting of the Gadsden School Board convened in open session at 6:00 p.m. with President David Garcia presiding. This meeting was held in the Sunland Park Elementary School Cafeteria located on 305 Alto Vista Drive in Sunland Park, New Mexico.
Roll Call Board Members present were Dr. David Garcia, Mr. Daniel Rollings, and Mr. Santiago Burciaga. Ms. Luz Vargas arrived at 6:10 p.m. Ms. Agueda Mora was absent.
Closed Session Mr. Burciaga moved to go into Closed Session for Personnel pursuant to10-15-1, H-2, NMSA 1978 as amended for personnel recommendations for employment, resignations, and transfers, and for real property and water rights pursuant to 10-15-1, H-8, NMSA 1978 as amended for discussion on purchase negotiations of Alliance property. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board went into closed session at 6:02 p.m. Only matters pertaining to personnel recommendations for employment, resignations, and transfers, and real property purchase negotiations were discussed in closed session.
Reconvened In Open Session 2. The Board reconvened in Open Session at 7:04 p.m. Mr. Rollings moved to reconvene in Open Session. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Roll Call 3. Board members present were Dr. David Garcia, Ms. Luz Vargas, Mr. Daniel Rollings, and Mr. Santiago Burciaga. Ms. Agueda Mora was absent. The Student Representative was not present.
Mr. Rollings read the Mission Statement.
Supt.'s Report 4. Programs, Reports, and Correspondence
A. (1) Sunland Park Program - Mr. Suttmiller announced that he received correspondence from the NM State Dept. of Education notifying him that the New Mexico State Board of Education will honor Sunland Park Elementary on February 13, 2002 at "Education on the Rise Day" at the Legislature. This event will feature the accomplishments and best practices in education of Sunland Park Elementary. It is one of 10 schools being recognized during this observance for success- fully meeting standards for two years and being removed from school improvement.

The Sunland Park Choir sang for the Board and the audience.

(2) Supt.'s Report-Supt. Haugen thanked Mr. Suttmitter for dedication and for placing Sunland Park Elementary School in recognition status with the State Dept. of Education. Supt. Haugen also recognized 20 GISD students that were selected to participate in the New Mexico All-State Youth Choirs. Supt. Haugen said that Mr. Reyes, from Gadsden made it as one of the nine finalists for State of New Mexico, however, James Smith, Las Cruces Teacher was named 2003 New Mexico Teacher of the Year. Supt. Haugen gave a copy to the Board of the newspaper article featuring the new literacy approach that Desert View Elementary is using. Ms. Steinhoff applied for a $250,000 grant through the federal government to bring balanced literacy to Desert View. Supt. Haugen also congratulated students from Santa Teresa's FEA (Future Educators of America) who won six trophies at the New Mexico FEA Conference held at UNM in Albuquerque. Supt. Haugen informed the Board about the meeting with Congressman elect Steve Pierce and the joint venture between Las Cruces, Gadsden, and Hatch school districts to point out the need for early childhood programs.
Board Pres. B. Board President's Report- Pres. Garcia said that he and three other GISD Board members attended the New Mexico School Board's Association Conference in Albuquerque. Availability of funds and building needs were discussed.
Board Members C. Board Member-Mr. Rollings said that San Miguel Elementary library was remodeled and the parents and children raised $2,000 additionally for books for their library. Mr. Rollings thanked Ms. Cantrell, Ms. Duncan and the parents and children of San Miguel Elementary. He also gave a brief update on the Facilities Committee Meeting.
Ms. Vargas thanked Mr. Suttmiller for the tremendous strides and his accomplishments at Sunland Park Elementary. She also commented that the NMSBA Conference was very informative.
Mr. Santiago Burciaga congratulated Mr. Suttmiller, staff, parents, and students of Sunland Park Elementary. He also congratulated the STHS FEA students that won six trophies at the New Mexico State Competition.
Modification of the Agenda 5. Modification of the Agenda-Supt. Haugen requested that agenda item 6F Title I Carryover Budget Increase be pulled from the Consent Agenda and made Action Item 8F. Mr. Rollings moved to approve the agenda as it has been modified. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda 6. Consent Agenda-Ms. Vargas moved to approve the Consent Agenda as modified. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously
Open Forum 7. Open Forum-Ms. Ramos voiced her concerns about her child's education
Naming of New Schools 8. Action Items A. Proposed School Names-Mr. Burciaga moved that the new school in the Chaparral area be named Sunrise Elementary. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Supt. Haugen said that the new principal of Sunrise Elementary is Ms. Cecilia Doran. Mr. Rollings moved to name the new school in the Santa Teresa area Santa Teresa Elementary. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Supt. Haugen said that the new principal of Santa Teresa Elementary is Mr. Ralph Yturralde.
Bid Award for Chaparral Area Wastewater System B. Bid Award for Chaparral Area Elem. Wastewater System - 2002-Supt. Haugen recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder Smith and Aguirre Construction Company for $249,565.00. Mr. Burciaga moved to approve the bid award as recommended by the Superintendent. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Teacher Salary Schedule 2002-2003 School Year C. Teacher Salary Schedule Revision for 2002-2003 School Year-Supt. Haugen said that a revision of the teachers' salary schedule will affect the T & E index and allows the District to get credit for those employees that Revision for have 15 or more years of experience. If this revision does not take place, it will result in a potential loss of $120,000 in next year's funding. Ms. Vargas moved to approve the Teacher Salary Schedule Revision for 2002- 2003 School Year. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Policies for Review D. Policies JB, JBA, JC, JCA, JCB, JCC, JCE, JCF, JCG, JDA, JDB, JDC, JDE, JDF, JDG, JDH, JDI, JDJ, JDK, JDKA, JDL, & JEI - Mr. Rollings moved to table Policy JDB-Student Dress Code until the January Board meeting and approve the rest of the policies as submitted. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Board Budget Goals & Calendar E. Board Budget Goals & Calendar-Supt. Haugen said the Budget Goals are the same as the ones that were presented at the last Board meeting for the Board's review. In addition to these Budget Goals is the Budget Calendar that Ms. Arrieta has established for building the Budget for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. Mr. Rollings requested that the numbers be Removed from the Budget Goals. Mr. Rollings moved to approve the Board Budget Goals and Calendar as presented. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Title I Carryover Budget Increase F. Title I Carryover Budget Increase-Supt. Haugen said that the State Dept. of Education Finance Office amended the Title I Budget. This revised Title I Budget Carryover reflects the new numbers that came in from the SDE. Ms. Vargas moved to approve the Title I Carryover Budget Increase as presented. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Maintenance Audit 8. Discussion
A. Maintenance Audit-Supt. Haugen said that Ms. Arrieta did an internal audit of the Maintenance Dept., checking the procedures used and the inventory items. Ms. Arrieta said that the scope of the work consisted of 100% testing of all the related non-salaried expenditures in the operational fund. She is still working on the Senate Bill 9. She pulled all the vouchers that were associated with all the expenditures as requested and she reviewed each of the vouchers for various items. She interviewed the Director of Maintenance to make sure she understood the actual flow of the paperwork and the processes in place to ensure that appropriate expenditures are being made. Ms. Arrieta were over the findings. She said that no instances were noted of inappropriate or questionable expenditures. She did offer some recommendations to the Maintenance Dept. Aug. 15th at 2:00 p.m. Ms. Mora and Mr. Rollings will attend.
Use of Stanley Fulton Funds for Early Childhood Center B. Use of Stanley Fulton Funds for Early Childhood Addition-Supt. Haugen said that Mr. Fulton designated the funds he donated to be used to benefit the Sunland Park Community. He stipulated that the $500,000 was to be used for capital items. Supt. Haugen is looking into the possibility of using this $500,000 to build an addition to the Alliance building ( that is being purchased by Gadsden) to have pre-school programs to serve 4 year-olds from the Sunland Park area. Supt. Haugen asked for the Board's consensus or for suggestions to better use this money. The Board gave its consensus to move forward with an early childhood development center for 4 year-olds. Supt. Haugen said that Mr. Rem Alley has agreed to donate his architectural services.
Adjourned 10. Mr. Rollings moved to adjourn the meeting. Supt. Haugen recommended approval of the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.